So I've had a long day at work and when I decided to post on my blog I got sidetracked by my neighbor's blog - not my real neighbor, but my blog neighbor, the one when I hit the next Blog button he/she pops up. I was irritated because all of these other people have these spiffy templates and I have my lame original one and don't know how to expand my horizons. So after several trial and errors, I realized I am too tired to get caught up in instructions and the proper way to pimp my blog.
Anyway, so long day at work and there are two note-worthy events. One - I decided on my way home that I want to learn how to surf !!!
Ok nevermind - Dad called and cant talk and type...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Quick drop of some lines
It's been a little while since I've posted, but I have been so busy with my wonderful new job! That's right, I love it! I can definitely put up with the 9 dollars an hour for 90 days while I train and am still going through the "prove myself" stage. I feel good about them giving me a raise when the time comes.
Anyway, last night was dinner at Bobby's parents' house and it wasn't bad at all. The dinner was delicious and the conversation was peaceful. His mom mentioned that she would rather see him drink beer than smoke cigarettes - - She whispered it so his dad wouldn't hear which I thought was kind of a hoot. I could tell his parents definitely missed him and his dad said "Don't be a stranger" when he left, and the sincerity in his voice was desperate almost. Anyway, Bobby said on the way home "Consider them punished." This time of silence has been mostly due to the way things panned out at the wedding. (See my post about the wedding below if you need any deets).
So the new job is going great! I love wearing scrubs and I feel important there. There is still plenty of stuff to learn so I will be excited to see where it takes me!!
More later...I'm on a mission to go buy headbands today - all my old ones have broken, thus the new! : )
Anyway, last night was dinner at Bobby's parents' house and it wasn't bad at all. The dinner was delicious and the conversation was peaceful. His mom mentioned that she would rather see him drink beer than smoke cigarettes - - She whispered it so his dad wouldn't hear which I thought was kind of a hoot. I could tell his parents definitely missed him and his dad said "Don't be a stranger" when he left, and the sincerity in his voice was desperate almost. Anyway, Bobby said on the way home "Consider them punished." This time of silence has been mostly due to the way things panned out at the wedding. (See my post about the wedding below if you need any deets).
So the new job is going great! I love wearing scrubs and I feel important there. There is still plenty of stuff to learn so I will be excited to see where it takes me!!
More later...I'm on a mission to go buy headbands today - all my old ones have broken, thus the new! : )
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
So, I just couldn't get away without posting again. I know, I know, I might have developed an addiction for blogging, but as it appears, it reminds me so much of writing pages and pages in spiral notebooks and journals as a young girl. I would spend hours writing poetry and ideas down on paper. I even used to cut out things from magazines and paste them on the pages alongside whatever piece of work I had just finished. Last week I was helping my mother clean out the attic and I came across about 5 notebooks completely filled from start to finish with journal entries and poems. I didn't have the time to look through them because I knew once I started the trip down memory lane would be a long one. Not to mention, I just wasn't up for criticizing myself at the time. But sometimes when I come across something I've written, the words seem so foreign, and it's like "Wow, I don't ever remember writing something so...good!" Not that I'm trying to give myself tons of credit, because trust me there's some crap mixed in too, but when I think about the stuff I've written that seems foreign, I know those were the ones that I really felt. The ones that I had the insatiable urge for, and the ones that I slipped away somewhere inside my head and heart to write. The ones that feel like someone else took over are the ones that I find truly beautiful and have no shame in being proud of. I used to feel like it wasn't unusual for people to have my talent and in fact most people write down their feelings. Although the latter may be true, I have found over time that the gift is in taking those feelings are turning them into something else. Something eloquent. Something mysterious. Something raw, even.
Maybe one day I will be able to write poetry again. Real stuff. It's been ages and I'm afraid I can't get back to that sense of creativity I used to sneak away to. Maybe I'll just sit down and force it over and over again and then sift out the crap to find the art.
A close friend of my family's is a decade-recovered drug and alcohol addict. Apparently as of late he has fallen off the wagon. Now, this is a guy who has everything to lose. He's successful, has a daughter, and has what most people would consider a good life. Sadly, he's losing sight of it lately. After a surgery, he quickly went through his pain meds and saw a doctor friend to get more. He has been high on them ever since. Sadly, this is a situation I know all too much about. Of course, everyone's situaton is different and who am I to pretend to know what he is going through? I don't know his thought process and I'm sure he's been to his own dark places that I could never imagine even in my worst nightmares. BUT, with all of that said, I do know what it is like to lose your way. I know how it gradually takes a hold of you; the urges, the cravings, the high off of doing something wrong. Sadly addicts never remember the turmoil. Even I don't. All we remember are the "good times" because that is what holds a stronger place in our heads. It tells us that it feels so good and we put it up on this pedastul and praise it and feel special and better because it belongs to us and us only. We like to be alone in our "happy" place, or so we tell ourselves, but the truth is that no one wants to go there with us. Our friends will slowly disappear after fair warnings that it's either "us or it". Our family tries to stick by, but we pretend they are crazy and they pretend they are wrong. Eventually we have to hit our own bottom and realize the only way left to go is up. That's when you start to turn it around. I can't say enough good things about 12 step programs. AA, NA, CA, whatever it is, although AA seems to stick closer to Bill W's original way of doing things. It's not about whining, excuses or pity-parties; it's about results. So this friend has been given his fair warning, he has even crashed his car with his little girl inside, but he has not hit his own bottom yet. I hope the bottom is close in sight, because the closer the bottom is for him, the closer he is to realizing he has to go back up. I just hope he doesn't destroy good things before he does. And that's all I have to say about that...
Maybe one day I will be able to write poetry again. Real stuff. It's been ages and I'm afraid I can't get back to that sense of creativity I used to sneak away to. Maybe I'll just sit down and force it over and over again and then sift out the crap to find the art.
A close friend of my family's is a decade-recovered drug and alcohol addict. Apparently as of late he has fallen off the wagon. Now, this is a guy who has everything to lose. He's successful, has a daughter, and has what most people would consider a good life. Sadly, he's losing sight of it lately. After a surgery, he quickly went through his pain meds and saw a doctor friend to get more. He has been high on them ever since. Sadly, this is a situation I know all too much about. Of course, everyone's situaton is different and who am I to pretend to know what he is going through? I don't know his thought process and I'm sure he's been to his own dark places that I could never imagine even in my worst nightmares. BUT, with all of that said, I do know what it is like to lose your way. I know how it gradually takes a hold of you; the urges, the cravings, the high off of doing something wrong. Sadly addicts never remember the turmoil. Even I don't. All we remember are the "good times" because that is what holds a stronger place in our heads. It tells us that it feels so good and we put it up on this pedastul and praise it and feel special and better because it belongs to us and us only. We like to be alone in our "happy" place, or so we tell ourselves, but the truth is that no one wants to go there with us. Our friends will slowly disappear after fair warnings that it's either "us or it". Our family tries to stick by, but we pretend they are crazy and they pretend they are wrong. Eventually we have to hit our own bottom and realize the only way left to go is up. That's when you start to turn it around. I can't say enough good things about 12 step programs. AA, NA, CA, whatever it is, although AA seems to stick closer to Bill W's original way of doing things. It's not about whining, excuses or pity-parties; it's about results. So this friend has been given his fair warning, he has even crashed his car with his little girl inside, but he has not hit his own bottom yet. I hope the bottom is close in sight, because the closer the bottom is for him, the closer he is to realizing he has to go back up. I just hope he doesn't destroy good things before he does. And that's all I have to say about that...
Say A Little Prayer for You
So today I had an interview at a chiropractic clinic! I found out about it yesterday and actually heard it was a Physical Therapy clinic, which didn't help much when I got lost and couldn't find the "PT" clinic. I showed up right on the nose of the time I was supposed to be there which of course made me nervous through the first 30 minutes. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in an interview! Anyway, I got a call a few hours later, after some housecleaning and serious nail-biting (not literally -ew) and the doctor told me that he and his wife who own the clinic together liked me, and I will start tomorrow! I did my happy dance and even screamed as soon as we got off the phone! I hope I hung up!! Lol. So I wore black slacks, a green silk blouse, high heels, and a silver cross with a tasteful pair of earrings and a watch (which unfortunetly failed me when it came to being early). So in the spirit of interviews and a job well-done, I decided to post some frequently asked interview questions...I starred the ones that were similar to what I had to answer and even put a brief "blah blah blah" of what I said!
1. Why did you leave your last job? **
I had a pretty good reason actually. My place of employment started failing horribly at bringing in customers because Circuit City sucks and Verizon didn't know when to say when. (that was not verbatim at all)
2. Tell me a little about yourself?
(Glad this wasn't asked because sometimes I don't know when to shut up)
3. What do you know about this organization? **
It was actually what do you know about a chiropractic office, and my answer was limited. However I did remember some stuff about the readjustment of babies' spines and how it helped with their Ear Nose and Throat issues, which seemed to a sufficient answer and had enough of tid-bit knowledge to impress
4. What do you look for in a boss? **
I answered honestly that I dislike being micormanaged, and sadly that was a poor answer because what do you know, the owner is a micro-manager. Fortunetly he said he only does this when his employees can't seem to cut the mustard. I highly doubt that he will have any such problem with me.
5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? **
God, I hate this question. Please, God, make every employer who has ever asked this question to STOP asking this question! I can talk all day long about my strengths, and although I'm not flawless, I have no idea how to respond to the "weakness" portion of this question.
6. Tell me about when you resolved an important dillema at work.
7. How do you handle constructive criticism? **
Obviously, I will feel like I disappointed someone, and that is never a good feeling, but I will ask how I can do a better job in the future and consider that my boss knows more about the position than I do, and to look at it positively and as a learning experience. Total cheese answer.
8. What has been your greatest work disappointment?
9. Why do you think you'd be a good fit for this position?
10. Do you have any questions for me? **
I always like to answer this question with an "actually, yes I do." Usually it's something trivial and as quick to answer as it is to ask, such as "how many people do you currently have on the staff". I think this always look good because it shows the possible employer that not only are you interested in getting a job, you are interested in the position.
I was also asked how I would respond in certain scenarios and this seemed to be the place where my colors really shined because apparently the girl they have now is really struggling with some of the appropriate responses to real-life situations. Luckily I have worked in a clinic before and have experience not only dealing with patients but also to some very similar office scenarios that popped up.
Now, I am no interview expert, see my response to #4 and how it backfired, but I tried to appear as confident as possible and when the interviewer(s) were saying they hated turnover and had been fooled before, I reassured them with "I hate being in between jobs and really hope to find a home in my next position. I plan to stay somewhere for years to come." Also, instead of just answering question after question, I like to work in a little bit about myself, such as a brief description of my family background, usually something that paints me in a good light. I never really lie in an interview. It would be a very negative way to start off a new job, especially if you plan to get to know your coworkers and employers on a personal level. But, I'm also never brutally honest about certain things, such as: a weakness of mine is that I'm perpetually 5 minutes late. Truth is, I am a hard worker and I have almost always exceeded the expectations of my employers. I hope this work ethic continues to improve and grow as time goes on and as I gain more and more experience.
Overall, I am dancing on the inside that I have a new job and I know it has everything to do with the hundred mini-prayers I've been saying inside my head all day. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning to put on my scrubs and drive to my new job!
All the wishing and hoping and praying has paid off and I feel such a sigh of relief and a grand sense of accomplishment.
1. Why did you leave your last job? **
I had a pretty good reason actually. My place of employment started failing horribly at bringing in customers because Circuit City sucks and Verizon didn't know when to say when. (that was not verbatim at all)
2. Tell me a little about yourself?
(Glad this wasn't asked because sometimes I don't know when to shut up)
3. What do you know about this organization? **
It was actually what do you know about a chiropractic office, and my answer was limited. However I did remember some stuff about the readjustment of babies' spines and how it helped with their Ear Nose and Throat issues, which seemed to a sufficient answer and had enough of tid-bit knowledge to impress
4. What do you look for in a boss? **
I answered honestly that I dislike being micormanaged, and sadly that was a poor answer because what do you know, the owner is a micro-manager. Fortunetly he said he only does this when his employees can't seem to cut the mustard. I highly doubt that he will have any such problem with me.
5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? **
God, I hate this question. Please, God, make every employer who has ever asked this question to STOP asking this question! I can talk all day long about my strengths, and although I'm not flawless, I have no idea how to respond to the "weakness" portion of this question.
6. Tell me about when you resolved an important dillema at work.
7. How do you handle constructive criticism? **
Obviously, I will feel like I disappointed someone, and that is never a good feeling, but I will ask how I can do a better job in the future and consider that my boss knows more about the position than I do, and to look at it positively and as a learning experience. Total cheese answer.
8. What has been your greatest work disappointment?
9. Why do you think you'd be a good fit for this position?
10. Do you have any questions for me? **
I always like to answer this question with an "actually, yes I do." Usually it's something trivial and as quick to answer as it is to ask, such as "how many people do you currently have on the staff". I think this always look good because it shows the possible employer that not only are you interested in getting a job, you are interested in the position.
I was also asked how I would respond in certain scenarios and this seemed to be the place where my colors really shined because apparently the girl they have now is really struggling with some of the appropriate responses to real-life situations. Luckily I have worked in a clinic before and have experience not only dealing with patients but also to some very similar office scenarios that popped up.
Now, I am no interview expert, see my response to #4 and how it backfired, but I tried to appear as confident as possible and when the interviewer(s) were saying they hated turnover and had been fooled before, I reassured them with "I hate being in between jobs and really hope to find a home in my next position. I plan to stay somewhere for years to come." Also, instead of just answering question after question, I like to work in a little bit about myself, such as a brief description of my family background, usually something that paints me in a good light. I never really lie in an interview. It would be a very negative way to start off a new job, especially if you plan to get to know your coworkers and employers on a personal level. But, I'm also never brutally honest about certain things, such as: a weakness of mine is that I'm perpetually 5 minutes late. Truth is, I am a hard worker and I have almost always exceeded the expectations of my employers. I hope this work ethic continues to improve and grow as time goes on and as I gain more and more experience.
Overall, I am dancing on the inside that I have a new job and I know it has everything to do with the hundred mini-prayers I've been saying inside my head all day. I can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning to put on my scrubs and drive to my new job!
All the wishing and hoping and praying has paid off and I feel such a sigh of relief and a grand sense of accomplishment.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I have been in search of a job since December 23, which was my last day at Verizon. Since then I have posted on careerbuilder, responded to posts on craigslist, and even gone to an employment agency. I waitressed briefly but remembered quickly how much I hated that and what a bad environment it is for a recovered addict. tied me over briefly and ever since I quit, I've been working for my mom, helping her clean out junk and clean in general, which has been nice because it's structured and I feel pretty productive after a day's work. I am going to contact a few more employment agencies to make sure I get my resume out there as much as possible. I tested really well when I went...I'm a fast and acccurate typer whether it's numbers, letters, whatever... and I have some pretty broad experience which I think shows that I can learn things fairly quick. Anyhow...if any one has any ideas about how I could get a job quicker, I'm open to suggestions!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Can I please be an EXPAT???
So Bobby got word from his friend Jason today. For those of you who don't know, Jason is an old supervisor of Bobby's when he worked at Circuit City and he recently left for Singapore on contract for a spiffy new job. Bobby heard that it was a possibility that they would be needing more people to go over there and work and since Jason knows what a "smart cookie" Bobs is, he said he would keep him in mind. Well ever since the news first hit that it was a "possible" possibility, I've been jumping with excitement at the idea of moving all the way around the world to a foreign country for 2 years, which is how long the contract would be. At first Bobby didn't consider it right away because he didn't think I would want to go with him, but once he found out that I was also excited (which took 5 minutes of looking the country up online) we were hooked on going. Ever since then we have looked at pictures, places to live, information on how to move there, etc. Finally since Jason has been over there, Bobby got an email from him today! He said it is wonderful and he loves it and that they will probably be looking for other people to work on contract over the next month or two. Bobby has to probably get some sort of certification before he has a good chance of getting the job and the certification is most definitely expensive, BUT we really want to make th
is whole thing work.

Here are some views of the gorgeous country!
Everything is very modern over there....the toilets, the
wood floors, the balconie
s...all are so beautiful....
And because the country is only about 270 square miles, all
of their buildings are very tall, and apartments are all built up and not spread out like here...

It is known for being super clean, it has a strict government, but has a predominately English language. The other language there is Mandarin and most of the people there are of Asian origin. The country itself is south of Malaysia and just 1 degree north of the equator. After looking up some climate information I discovered that it is very very humid, which will SUCK for my hair, and since it's surrounded by the ocean, it's seasons are determined by monsoons. This means it rains there...A LOT! Don't get me wrong, I love the rain, and the country from what I've seen is very warm, which I love, but my hair will be so frizzy and curly. Most people who live there probably have stick straight, thin hair and will be surprised when they see the mess on my head. Hopefully it won't break some "Cleanliness/Tidiness" law! That would be so embarrassing!! Not that it is likely, but lately I am just wondering about all of the little things that will really be so different from what I am used to.
It's hard to say for sure though, that I am 100 % excited about this opportunity...I mean, I have a wonderful family here who I am so very close with. I have a 7 year old brother who will be almost 10 when I get home, a 4 year old brother who will be 7 and a 1.5 year old nephew who will be pushing 4...These things will be tough on me, but I have only one chance to do something so crazy and off the wall. I would have never expected that this could even be possible. After being presented with such a risk, it is hard to say no, since I am attracted to risks and their dangers. I would not want to look back on this in 5-10 years and say, "Wow, I really could have gone to Singapore and lived this really cool, different life for a couple of years." Who knows the things I will see or do, and the people I will meet! This could open up a ton of doors for me. Who knows, maybe I could even go to school there on scholarship, since I will be an American, and considered a minority. Minorities get all the funding here...I wonder if it works the same way there. I would be so delighted! Anyway... I was just so antsy I couldn't resist another post tonight...Which is good, because it got me tired : D

Here are some views of the gorgeous country!
Everything is very modern over there....the toilets, the

And because the country is only about 270 square miles, all

It is known for being super clean, it has a strict government, but has a predominately English language. The other language there is Mandarin and most of the people there are of Asian origin. The country itself is south of Malaysia and just 1 degree north of the equator. After looking up some climate information I discovered that it is very very humid, which will SUCK for my hair, and since it's surrounded by the ocean, it's seasons are determined by monsoons. This means it rains there...A LOT! Don't get me wrong, I love the rain, and the country from what I've seen is very warm, which I love, but my hair will be so frizzy and curly. Most people who live there probably have stick straight, thin hair and will be surprised when they see the mess on my head. Hopefully it won't break some "Cleanliness/Tidiness" law! That would be so embarrassing!! Not that it is likely, but lately I am just wondering about all of the little things that will really be so different from what I am used to.
It's hard to say for sure though, that I am 100 % excited about this opportunity...I mean, I have a wonderful family here who I am so very close with. I have a 7 year old brother who will be almost 10 when I get home, a 4 year old brother who will be 7 and a 1.5 year old nephew who will be pushing 4...These things will be tough on me, but I have only one chance to do something so crazy and off the wall. I would have never expected that this could even be possible. After being presented with such a risk, it is hard to say no, since I am attracted to risks and their dangers. I would not want to look back on this in 5-10 years and say, "Wow, I really could have gone to Singapore and lived this really cool, different life for a couple of years." Who knows the things I will see or do, and the people I will meet! This could open up a ton of doors for me. Who knows, maybe I could even go to school there on scholarship, since I will be an American, and considered a minority. Minorities get all the funding here...I wonder if it works the same way there. I would be so delighted! Anyway... I was just so antsy I couldn't resist another post tonight...Which is good, because it got me tired : D
My Personal Apartment Therapy
I have recently started a new project: Apartment Redesign! My boyfriend (and roommate) recently suggested a website to me: and after looking at it here and there, I really got the urge to spruce up our over-cluttered, under-decorated apartment. Sadly the funds to support this project are very limited, due to the recent loss of my job. Sooo...everything we are doing must be done on a budget. I have decided I want a sofa slip cover, a new bed/mattress/comforter and nightstands, and a total makeover of our "dining room". We have 740 square feet although lately it feels so damn cramped that I can hardly stand it. Although we also have some stuff we'd like to get rid of. Examples: the white Ikea desk I purchased that doesn't go with anything we have, the 3 shelves desk that we purchased at Big Lots to replace the white desk, and a bedroom TV and TV stand that we never use!! So I'd like everyone (if anyone) to stay tuned as our improvements slowly - but surely - start coming along.

Our first big splurge (mostly if not all on Bobby's part) has been our entertainment area. Bobby has really put it all together so nicely, starting with the baddest of bad Sony 56" TV. After bringing home the TV (and our Sony Playstation 3/BluRay player) we realized that our stand was too tiny and chincy to put something so nice on it. Next he brought home a very nice Walmart stand. Now when I say nice I do not mean expensive (obviously from Walmart) or fancy, but it has the coolest, most-convenient shelves and compartments that totally suit our needs. After all of that we got more BluRay movies/games...then Bobby hooked up the computer he built to it, and got us a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. The latest addition has been our RCA soundsystem, which gives us a surround sound feel without moving speakers all around! It is totally B-A. Anyway...I attached the pictures of the final product, and I personally think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. :-P
Our next project to improve things were these wall decorations that I saw the idea for online, but I can't remember where (which is kind of lame, because whoever came up with it totally deserves credit). First we bought a yard of upholstery fabric that we got at Hancock Fabrics, on SALE. It was a challenge picking the print because according to the instructions, we had to use large prints since we were making big designs. It was really difficult also for us to agree on which fabrics to get, but since we have similar visions for the living room, we agreed finally on two really classic, yet modernized prints. Next, we went to Michael's and got canvas stretcher frames that come in all different lengths, which just snap together to make whichever custom size frame you choose! We made 26''X30''. Our original plan was to get a 14"x26" as well to go in the middle and put a really bold print on it, but we changed our minds after finishing the first two. Anyway, we just sized the material over and around the frame and used a staple gun to secure it tightly and thus our beautiful wall decor was born!

And please pardon the HIDEOUS couch color...I plan to cover it with a "slate" (dark grey) or even black slip cover! Woohoo!
Check out the pictures... Bobby is home from work, I have a dog to walk and mail to check!
Our first big splurge (mostly if not all on Bobby's part) has been our entertainment area. Bobby has really put it all together so nicely, starting with the baddest of bad Sony 56" TV. After bringing home the TV (and our Sony Playstation 3/BluRay player) we realized that our stand was too tiny and chincy to put something so nice on it. Next he brought home a very nice Walmart stand. Now when I say nice I do not mean expensive (obviously from Walmart) or fancy, but it has the coolest, most-convenient shelves and compartments that totally suit our needs. After all of that we got more BluRay movies/games...then Bobby hooked up the computer he built to it, and got us a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. The latest addition has been our RCA soundsystem, which gives us a surround sound feel without moving speakers all around! It is totally B-A. Anyway...I attached the pictures of the final product, and I personally think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. :-P
Our next project to improve things were these wall decorations that I saw the idea for online, but I can't remember where (which is kind of lame, because whoever came up with it totally deserves credit). First we bought a yard of upholstery fabric that we got at Hancock Fabrics, on SALE. It was a challenge picking the print because according to the instructions, we had to use large prints since we were making big designs. It was really difficult also for us to agree on which fabrics to get, but since we have similar visions for the living room, we agreed finally on two really classic, yet modernized prints. Next, we went to Michael's and got canvas stretcher frames that come in all different lengths, which just snap together to make whichever custom size frame you choose! We made 26''X30''. Our original plan was to get a 14"x26" as well to go in the middle and put a really bold print on it, but we changed our minds after finishing the first two. Anyway, we just sized the material over and around the frame and used a staple gun to secure it tightly and thus our beautiful wall decor was born!
And please pardon the HIDEOUS couch color...I plan to cover it with a "slate" (dark grey) or even black slip cover! Woohoo!
Check out the pictures... Bobby is home from work, I have a dog to walk and mail to check!
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