Okay, so back to about me...
Like I said I have a lot of things to be thankful for. I landed this really awesome job over a year ago at Verizon Wireless. It came at the perfect time and really helped me get my $hit together, which was much much needed. Also, someone would later tell me, I got what I was destined to out of it, which is my boyfriend Bobby, who I met in circuit city where my VZW kiosk was. Anyway, it was a fantastic opportunity for me. I met some really great people, I had a pretty fun job and I got paid more than most people at my age would get paid, plus the benefits were very noteworthy, as were other perks like free phone service, etc. Sadly, I made a mistake a little over a year into it and put in my notice to go to another job, which ended up not working out. When trying to retract my notice, my immediate supervisor, area manager and even district manager were all glad that I changed my mind, however, human resources would not allow it, and despite my begging, my last day on my notice letter ended up my last day. So I've currently been without a job for a while now, at least since December 23, but I finally got a job at Duke's, a restaurant/bar, which is not my number one choice or even my number 5 choice of things I'd like to be doing, but I need the money, and the job is convenient for now.
I am pretty behind on money. From a previous tough time, I have about $1100 in debt, which is minimal according to some people, but then over the past year and a half have accumulated an additional $1500 or more. I have a fair amount of expenses to cover, so these things are not top priority to pay off. I have monthly rent, electricity, car insurance, groceries, gas, etc. Also, I recently purchased my new best friend, Zoey, who is my matlese-shih-tzu baby. I absolutely adore her, and although she is expensive, I've got an obligation to take care of her the way she deserves. Bobby, my guy, left Circuit and has a pretty good-paying job with Sony, but his drive is 35 minutes away, and although he was hired on with a position as a computer tech, he rarely gets to actually work on the computers and instead his day is spent shipping them off to other techs. Needless to say, he is ready for a change, but as of now, at least we are both employed!
I figured I'd post some pretty important pictures of my peoples:
so the guy with the money is my man, Bobby aka Bobs, Boo, Baby, etc.
the kid with me in the other pic is Ethan, my favorite kid ever, who i will definitely mention often.
The other kid who looks similar to Ethan is my new little brother, Luka
The pretty lady with the cute puppy is my mom (aka me in 20 or less years) with JoJo ( who is the sister of my Zoey Bell )
The handsome skinny man in white is my stepdad Aaron
And finally the cute black fluff is my Zoey.
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