Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Obviously I suck at dedicating myself to this thing. It has been months since I have posted, even though I've probably experience some pretty note-worthy events. The job I once loved has descended to what it inevitably had to become - work. Not hard work, but the kind that you really have to put your face on for. My boss is somewhat of a perfectionist, which I can understand seeing as how this business is his baby, but regardless, sometimes when he checks my work everyday I wonder why it has to be so tedious.

Belize trip is in 3 days. I'm so incredibly excited. I also am in much need for a good vacation. I haven't been on a trip in a while, and I especially haven't been anywhere as fun as Belize. I think it'll be good to spend some quality time with the family I rarely get to see.

My latest venture has been tattoos. I have gone over it and over it in my mind trying to pick out the perfect ones. I think I have a pretty good idea of everything I want to get and where to get it. =)

My latest self DX of all of my tummy/bleeding issues is endometriosis. It's a pretty serious disease and ultimately makes it very difficult to get pregnant or carry a baby to term. This would make me very sad if a doctor ever confirms this. I know I want to have kids someday. No time near now, that is for sure. I am not ready to give up this body that I've been working so hard for as of late. I have lost 10 pounds and have hopes to lose 10 more. I'm in no hurry, but still I am ready to drop the LBS.

No success in writing lately. Not that I've tried. Not that I've had time to try. I have very little "me" time these days. I suppose that's why I've been so moody with everyone. I used to spend so much time with myself and lately I spend all my time pleasing other people and doing what they need. I really need to get away. Maybe I can go for some private walks in Belize to clear my head. I can't clear my head with other people around, that is for sure.

Hopefully I will be back without letting 2 months go by. That's just pathetic and lazy.

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