Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tired and Tangled Up

So I've had a long day at work and when I decided to post on my blog I got sidetracked by my neighbor's blog - not my real neighbor, but my blog neighbor, the one when I hit the next Blog button he/she pops up. I was irritated because all of these other people have these spiffy templates and I have my lame original one and don't know how to expand my horizons. So after several trial and errors, I realized I am too tired to get caught up in instructions and the proper way to pimp my blog.

Anyway, so long day at work and there are two note-worthy events. One - I decided on my way home that I want to learn how to surf !!!

Ok nevermind - Dad called and cant talk and type...

1 comment:

  1. If you ever figure it out, let me know. I have been trying to "pimp" my blog for a long time and I am too computer ignorant to figure it out. :-?
